BBQ Grill

BBQ Grill

Copper Sigri

3 x Copper Sigris

Pizza Kit - 2 or 3 or 4 stack

Availability: In stock
Pizza Kit
SKU: Pizza Kit Availability: In Stock

Good Bye to those expensive wood fired pizza ovens

Now you can Cook

4 x 11" pizzas with our 4 stack Tandoori Pizza kit


3 x 9.5" pizzas with our 3 stack Tandoori Pizza kit


2 x 7.5" pizzas with our 2 stack Tandoori Pizza kit

Assemble it in minutes & start cooking
You can cook your favourite pizzas in only 5 minutes in our Domestic Tandoori Oven

Yes, that’s a promise!

Use our Tandoori Pizza kit in our Domestic Tandoors to make mouth-watering wood / charcoal fired pizzas in your home, no need to buy those expensive wood fired pizza ovens, just buy our pizza kit and use either wood or charcoal to make amazing chargrilled pizzas

The stacked pizza kit was a great innovative idea! We have found the pizza on the bottom tray is cooked before the top two, but we just rotate them to the bottom if need be. In fact, if you have 10 or so pizzas to cook, we just take the bottom one out cycles the other two down and put a new one in the top spot. This way a cooked pizza comes out every few minutes!!

The 4-stack pizza kit will fit on any tandoor with a mouth opening between 13” - 20", it has a depth of 19"

The 3-stack pizza kit will fit on any tandoor with a mouth opening of 11” to 12” and has a depth of 11” 

The 2-stack pizza kit will fit on any tandoor with a mouth opening of minimum 9” to max 10” and has a depth of 6”

The depth of the pizza kit trays can be adjusted and reduced if required


Your Pizza kit will come with:

1 x stainless steel top plate (with holes)

3 x stainless steel rods with threads 

1 x stainless steel small rod

Few nuts & washers

3 x stainless steel round heads nuts

1 x handle 

2 brackets for 2 stack pizza kit / 3 brackets for 3 stack pizza kit / 4 brackets of for 4 stack pizza kit 


2 x 7.5 " aluminium pizza plates 2 stack pizza kit 


3 x 9.5 " aluminium pizza plates for 3 stack pizza kit 


4 x 11 " aluminium pizza plates for 3 stack pizza kit 


You can buy as an optional accessory SS grill plates for pizza kit for more versatile use of the pizza kit 

Options available

2 x 7.5” SS grill plates for 2 stack pizza kit
3 x 9.5” SS grill plates for 3 stack Pizza kit
4 x 11” SS grill plates for 4 stack Pizza kit  


Weight & dimensions of the pizza kit 

2 stack pizza kit: 4.5 Lbs

Packed in a box, packed weight & dimensions: 11x11x3", 5Lbs 


3 stack pizza kit: 7.5 Lbs 

Packed in a box, packed weight & dimensions: 13x13x3", 8Lbs 


4 stack pizza kit: 10 Lbs 

Packed in a box, packed weight & dimensions: 17x17x3", 11Lbs 


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